
Books on the works of Jan van der Kooi

“Recent werk”
1995, Publisher: Art Media, ISBN 978-90-7537-0010.
sold out

“Jan van der Kooi, schilder - tekenaar” (“Jan van der Kooi, paintings and drawings”).
2002, Publisher: Art Revisited. ISBN 90-72736-14-1
Introduction written by Eric Bos and Diederik Kraaijpoel.

“Bestiarium” (drawings of animals)
2005, Publisher: Art Revisited. ISBN 90-72736-42-7
Introduction written by Theo Laurentius.

“Binnen handbereik” (a schetchbook)
2007, Publisher: Art Revisited, ISBN 978-90-72736-57-4
Introduction written by Pauline Broekema.

“Jan van der Kooi, tekenaar - schilder ” ("Jan van der Kooi, drawings and paintings")
2014, Publisher: Art Revisited, ISBN 978-90-72736-57-4
Introduction written by Nicolaas Matsier (Dutch writer) and Frits Duparc (former director of "Het Mauritshuis", The Hague).

2014, theme book related to the exhibition at Museum Arti Legi in Gouda, the Netherlands, ISBN 978-90-821617-3-1.

Spetter / Spetterzelfportret / selfportraitlandschap in Zeeland / landscapeRuben / Rubenatelierraam / studiowindow